Friday, August 9, 2013

Lonely in Love

It's Five Minute Friday and the topic is "Lonely!" So here's five minutes of me pouring out what first comes to mind when I read that word....

My heart is heavy for many people today-specifically the lonely in love.

Its taken me years to finally realize that my fulfillment and security come solely from God and not from others. But so many people I know and love are searching for love and acceptance from their relationships, and while they may certainly find temporary comfort in the thrill and excitement of young love, they will never find the peace that surpasses all understanding until they realize that there's only one source of true love.

And it breaks my heart to see so many people wandering. I think it hurts because I've found so many other "worthy" causes to fight for. But the truth is, nothing matters more than Jesus, and as long as there are people out there who don't know him, there will always be a need to share Him.

Lord, I pray that you will open my eyes and heart to see like you. Mess up my schedule and interrupt my to-do list when I'm focusing on worldly things. Give me restraint to only speak words that bring life to others and pour purpose into my daily pursuits. Counsel me, instruct me, keep your eye upon me-guide my steps so that they have an eternal impact. In Jesus' name we pray-Amen.

To find out more about Five Minute Friday and to participate yourself, visit Lisa-Jo Baker's Blog-I promise it will fill you up and encourage you!


  1. Visiting from Five Minute Friday... thank you friend for this reminder today - that my confidence and comfort come Him... {blessings}

  2. This was wonderfully written. I love this "But the truth is, nothing matters more than Jesus, and as long as there are people out there who don't know him, there will always be a need to share Him." So true. I really loved your beautiful prayer to our Lord! Blessings to you!

  3. Amen and amen. These are beautiful and truth-filled words.

  4. Good thoughts - here from FMF.

  5. visiting for five minutes friday,new GFC follower.
    hope you can visit my Five Minute Friday
